Thursday, August 5, 2010

Against my better judgement (consider yourself warned)

Lately, listening to music as I wander around Toronto's stinking hot streets is (sometimes) all that's keeping me from a total emotional meltdown. Often enough I'll sing out loud as I can be pretty sure no one cares if I do and most of the time there's weirder stuff happening all around.

Still though, my gut reaction is to stop singing as someone passes. I was wondering how my poor singing has anything to do with the premise of this blog (if indeed there is a premise). One constant however, is my attempt to come to terms with my limits as a social being. Slowly, I am opening up those limits, and, as I hope the writing in these entries attests, trying to offer up my many failures as something that can make me into the best version of myself.

Blah, blah, blah.

Anyhow, Shannon is currently on a research and reunion roadtrip across the western US coast and as part of her project is recording her own singing. She is, to put it mildly, a far better singer than I but the sadness created by our distance makes it difficult, even impossible, for me to listen to each of her singings more than once.

So instead of listening and getting super sad, here is, unsolicited (and maybe unwanted) a very awkward partial rendition of one of my own favourite sad songs.

It's about 3 hours ago that I put this up. I must have been in some sort of heat and sadness induced haze. This post is akin to waking up after a drunk and remembering, with regret, what you got up to the night before. The good thing about blogsslashtheweb is that I can just pull this post off the blog.
"But here this now. Fuck. That. Shit."
Here it stays.

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