Thursday, May 27, 2010

Come with me, if you will

Day 2 and I spent a fitful night's sleep worrying that I hadn't produced any work in my 12 hours here. That would be really lame if it didn't summarize my personality so nicely.

This morning (well, morning, afternoon and evening are more or less the same, differing only in temperate, not light) I wandered around, stewing over project ideas and taking shots of architecture. For your consideration, I offer: a selected number of highlights.
Starting off with a lie, this photo of a local telephone pole wasn't really taken today, but was taken at midnight last night. I guess that's today though, and yeah, day or night, little difference.

I suppose I should do some research on these buildings, but for now, here's a nice abandoned ochre structure down on the riverfront.

How's about some birds? Swallows in fact, nesting in the eaves of another building.

And in closing, a tree house. Pretty sweet.


shannongerard said...

oh, i love that tree house.

it is weird to calculate the time difference and realize that you are 3 hours behind. how can that be right, since you always feel so far ahead?

Scott Waters said...

I thought you'd love it. I am similarly enamoured with the bar I just came back from. It was one of those cases were all my dreams of what constitutes the perfect bar came true. Taxidermied Bison smoking cigarettes included.

I feel ahead because I am in the west and the west is ahead. Simple.

shannongerard said...

If I start now, maybe I can crochet a smoking bison by the time you get back. It can sit beside my regretsy moose head thing. I just picked up soooo much new wool at the Textile Museum sale too. Perfect!

shannongerard said...

is it lame that the airplane in your banner image reminds me of LOST? is it lame to spell LOST in ALLCAPS?

Scott Waters said...

I'm sure Stef would approve. The image reminds me of a painting of a plane crash where the survivor has written in logs, "NO THANKS"

shannongerard said...

whoa. i want that painting.

Scott Waters said...

We have that painting. Well, a postcard facsimile thereof.

shannongerard said...