Monday, May 31, 2010

Down to the River

Those feelings of mutability while sitting on the river bank, they are my present, they are me and as I get older the repetition, the continuity, become ever more dominant. I become my own relationship to the past. This moving present becomes less and less of an unknown.

Little here seems new to me, except the buildings: in collapse or on display,
and the curiosities: Goat Coat, Sour Toe shooters, Hobo Hotel and ample supplies of stable milk.

Everything else is a welcome echo, especially the smells. Pine and scrub grass, smoke in the air, rain on the oil soaked dirt roads; Cornwallis, the Okanagan, the West Kootenays and Wainwright, all are present here. The land echoes the past and all those other rural, removed places.


shanne said...

so beautiful scott.

get me outta here.

Scott Waters said...

Thanks. That means a lot.