Sunday, June 13, 2010

2 Wrongs Make a Right

No meat and no alcohol. What kind of Yukon residency am I having? A good friend of mine once spent a year in Japan doing the time honoured ESL gig. She was a strict vegetarian and so spent a year having to work her way around fish. Years later she said that was a mistake and, at least in that case, moral inflexibility (of the kind I am practicing here) was a mistake. The Japanese do some pretty tasty stuff with fish just as I know Elk sausage is something special.

I have a new routine though. It started yesterday morning and I'm already calling it a routine. I Head over to The Downtown Hotel, order a very suspect 0% German beer (Warsteiner I believe) and watch The World Cup with the European tourists. I nurse my beer, work up a ballpoint-pen sketch of the bottle and watch the match. It's pretty alright and though we don't know each other, like the sports propagandists will tell you, football unites the world, or at least the out of town version of the world.

The locals don't seem to care all that much (or maybe they're taking advantage of the miracle of home TV) but as you'd imagine, the old worlders do.
As mentioned previously some of 'em went so far as to take photos of the high Def TV mounted high on the wall each time Germany scored... which was often.

My day, as always, begins with breakfast cereal and for the next 11 days (until I leave) I think it'll begin with fake beer and overly enthusiastic Euros.
That's the kind of Yukon residency I'm having.


shannongerard said...

new colour scheme. a gentleman's blog.

Scott Waters said...

It came with a pipe and a pin striped suit.